On March 9, 2010 Ahniko Handford, a member of the MACD board since it’s inception, created a LinkedIn group for Manitoba Career Development Professionals after returning from BC and noticing that MB did not have the same sector activity.

2013 & 2014
Moving forward in 2013 & 2014, Ahniko organized monthly meetings at different employment assistance organization so that all Winnipeg CDPs had an opportunity to learn about MACD, and also learn about their fellow-organizations and make new contacts there.

In 2015 Gail, Jaysa Toet and Ahniko collaborated to develop MACD Bylaws, a Constitution, and Membership guidelines based on those created by the New Brunswick Career Development Association.

In 2016 MACD’s first bank account was opened at RBC at Main and Burrin. The Winnipeg Transition Centre became MACD’s first stakeholder when they donated proceeds from one of their ALW workshops, becoming MACD’s first financial deposit.

In 2017 on April 8, Gail Langlais organized MACD’s inaugural Strategic Plan Day at Red River Collegiate.

In 2018 MACD took full responsibility for the LGTW conference, with board Secretary Kate Yee, and Member-at-Large Deanna England acting as co-Chairs for the event.

In 2019 MACD continued to offer PD sessions for its members including: “From Interpersonal Conflict to Interpersonal Wellness;” “Taking Care of Self While You Help Others;” and a session from Brickstorming.

In 2020 all MACD operations: Board and sub-committee meetings, PD seminars, LGTW, Strategic Planning meetings, and AGMs moved to virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2021 MACD held their second Strategic Plan Day over Zoom on January 23, with members identifying priorities, which led to new sub-committees (advocacy, finance and resource development) in addition to the existing sub-committees (communications, membership, and LGTW).

In 2022 MACD was the recipient of funding from the MB Government to offer training to CDPs on Career Development and COVID.

In 2023, the fourth MACD Board, with Executive members including Kate Yee as Chair, Tara Orchard as Vice-Chair, Meghan Lavalee as Treasurer, Ruth Stargardter as Secretary, and Gail Langlais as Past Chair, continued their work on the provincial contract by offering additional professional development sessions featuring both local and national CDPs, such as Donnalee Bell and Dierdre Pickerell from CCDF.

2024 was a landmark year for MACD, showcasing innovation, growth, and collaboration. With its fifth board turnover, the organization welcomed back Kate Yee as Chair, Deanna England as Vice-Chair, Meghan Lavallee as Treasurer, and Stefanie Books as Secretary. For the first time, the AGM shifted to June and featured an inspiring keynote by Bev Stuart, setting an exciting tone for the year.