November is Career & Workforce Development Month

In recognition of this initiative, November is Career and Workforce Development Month in Manitoba. The government of Manitoba acknowledges that career and workforce development benefits industry, communities, and individuals and helps ensure we are meeting the changing demands of the economy by building an available, diversified and skilled labour force. Career development assists individuals explore careers options, make informed decisions about their learning, training and career paths and to successfully manage life and work transitions.

With this in mind, we would like to invite CDPs, job seekers, employers and everyone in Manitoba to take part in Career Month and Workforce Development Month. We are creating, and promoting a number of opportunities for everyone to take part in, and we encourage all Manitobans to get involved. Check out our toolkit to find a range of ideas to inspire participation, and share your initiatives with us! We will promote all of them on the MACD, provincial and national calendars of events! 

Career & Workforce Development Month