A free online course on using LMI.
Useful resource for tracking local labour market trends and statistics.
Identifies expected trends for the labour market based on an occupation forecasting model that projects labour market demand and supply for Manitoba occupations at the one-digit National Occupational Classification (NOC) level.
The In-Demand Occupations List provides a regularly updated listing of which occupations qualify as "in demand" in Manitoba.
Bringing together data, tools and reports to provide you with the latest information on labour statistics in Canada.
Learn more about an occupations: wages, outlooks, education, skills needed and so much more.
The focus of the COPS projections is on long-term trends in occupational labour markets, not on short-term developments.The projections allow for the identification of those occupations that may face labour shortage or labour surplus conditions over the medium term.
Incudes data dashboards for Canadian Online Job Postings, Trade Certificate Earnings and Post-Secondary Graduate Earnings
Learn more about what the charitable and nonprofit sector looks like in across Canada and in Manitoba.
Research, economic trends and industry experts offer their best advice, research, and insights—all in the name of helping Canadians tackle their most complex challenges.
"Tracks Canadian job market trends by nalyzing Canadian job ads found online in the past year. Answers questions like: How many job postings were advertised in the past year in your selected occupation, in your region(*) ? Who was hiring? What skills and certifications did they require? How much did they pay? - and more.
Best practices for informational interviews.
Search job outlook and salary info by occupation - Trend Analysis tool + Search salary info by program of study - Career Planning > Fields of Study tool.
Payscale for people is a salary tool for assessing the worth of your job-skills on the open market.
Canadian nonprofit sector salary and benefit report. Also reveals pandemic compensation trends.
Search salary and compensation.
This data was collected based on current market information available from various government and aggregate sources.
Information on average salaries in Canada.
Features occupational trend analysis, career planning tool, job search information and a job bank.
Canada’s national system for describing occupations. Search the NOC to find where an occupation is classified or to learn about its main duties, educational requirements or other useful information.
OaSIS provides a comprehensive framework of the skills, abilities, personal attributes, knowledge, interests and context for the work environment in which occupations are performed.
Information on approximately two hundred occupational options including occupational descriptions, salary job banks and links to other relevant related resources.
Access data that shows how jobs are changing, and what skills workers may need to stay competitive in the new world of work.
Explore occupations by industry. Check out salary ranges, industry associations, employers and read about people who are already working in the area. Book an expert to come and speak to a class or group, arrange a tour or ask for more information related to the industry.
Discover Apprenticeship Manitoba Program! Review requirements, education institution and other LMI.
A for students, youth, educators and parents, a detailed guide on the steps to an Apprenticeship, tailored specifically for those looking to enter the skilled trades. Containing helpful exercises and a wealth of useful internet links, this resource should not be missed.
Information on programs and competitions that engage students in hands-on learning opportunities to youth across the province.
Information on Manitoba’s construction industry that looks at both apprentice-able trades, and non-apprentice-able occupations within the province.
Use keyword searches to find occupational information. (salary and educational requirements are for the U.S. only)
Sector organizations collaborate with employers, industry associations, labour groups, educational institutions and other stakeholders to identify needs and deliver effective programming. They offer joint programs that enable employers to benefit from cross-sector opportunities, learning from one another and identifying potential cooperative business ventures.
A resource for navigating Manitoba's exciting digital careers.
Occupational descriptions, educational requirement and salary information on 34 healthcare occupations.
Provides labour market information, future job prospects, essential skills required for positions, salary expectations, NOC codes, etc.
Connect clients with potential schools and get information about working in Manitoba.
A comprehensive source of occupational information and LMI.
Podcasts and Video
Short podcasts on various occupations.
Videos that gives starting, overall and top salary data by occupation. Speaks to skills shortage/percentage employers who've hired past 2 years. Also has occupation search filter by job outlook and salary.
Tips on effective informational interviews.
Assists in connecting with individuals and organizations in various sectors.
Career Pathing Tools
Outlines occupational opportunities for various degrees and provides other related career information.
A guide to supports, services and experiences to maximize your academic and career success.
Shares the skills students can develop in their programs, links to resources, and alumni stories about further education and employment.
Highlights the skills you are developing and see a vision of the future.