Presenters for LGTW 2024

Thank you to everyone who submitted to present at Let's Get to Work 2024. The committee is busy selecting the successful applications. Stay tuned.

While the Presentation Committee makes the tough choice of who will present on November 1, 2024, feel free to peruse the sessions that were offered in 2023.

Let's Get to Work 2023

​Career Development’s Innovative & Visionary Solutions to Complex Challenges

Lisa Taylor

Lisa Taylor


Careers Work is Revolutionary
​Lisa Taylor, Founder and President, Challenge Factory

As career development practitioners, your work is needed more than ever. Talk about skills, jobs, change, transitions, and disruption is at fever pitch. From evening newscasts to family dinner tables, everyone has opinions on the transition to a green and just economy, emerging skills, ageing workforces, and labour shortages.

It seems no one knows what the future will hold for jobs, the economy, education, and Canada’s prosperity. But as CDPs, we have unique talents and perspectives that can shift discussions from pithy soundbites to powerful steps forward for workforces and workplaces.

Careers work is revolutionary in its capacity to bring order to chaotic situations. It puts individuals at the centre of widescale change and focuses on better.
In this dynamic, market-focused keynote address, join Lisa Taylor as she explores three key dimensions of career development and how each provides tools to transform lives, livelihoods, and communities.

Mark Patterson

Mark Patterson


Empowering Career Development: Unleashing the Potential of Collaborative Technology

As the demands of Canadian employers continue to evolve, it is important for employers and career development professionals to look toward the future of work and adapt to global trends.

2024 Breakout Session Abstracts - TBD

2023 sessions are listed below for your perusal.

Breakout Session #1 - choose from the following 3 options:

Cultivating Manitoba's Future

Facilitated by: Geri Clinke

Training Program Manager, Manitoba Aviation

Marie Hacault

​Workforce Development & Youth-Industry Engagement Program Manager, ​Tech Manitoba

Rick Reid

Executive Director, Supply Chain Canada - Manitoba​

Do you find yourself becoming siloed in the day-to-day of your work? It's easy to put our heads down and say, “that's not my problem,” but what we need to ask ourselves is, “how can I help?” Through a series of interactive activities, let's discuss what the future of work looks like in Manitoba and how we can collaborate to support the utilization of skills in our province, fill employment gaps, and change the way we perceive ourselves as influencers in the career and workforce development ecosystem.

Learning outcomes: 

  • Ignite your passion as a leader in career and workforce development by understanding your roll in the bigger picture.
  • Discovery through interactive communication tools the pain points and barriers you face working with clients and stakeholders.
  • Innovate though consultation and collaboration ready to use tools to take back to your workplace and implement in your daily practices.

How will you achieve the learning outcomes?

Join us as we create solutions, accountability and a network of support. 
This session will begin with a simple, yet effective Kata exercise aimed at fostering teamwork and promoting open communication. Through an interactive challenge, participants will have the opportunity to relax and establish a foundation of open communication. Following this, teams will be asked to brainstorm the barriers they encounter in their day-to-day roles, whether directly or indirectly supporting career seekers, career changers, and career dreamers. Once the barriers are established, teams will be tasked with developing long term, short term and quick daily solutions to help combat these challenges.
At some point, we all connect with a piece of the puzzle, and how we work together to help individuals put those pieces together can change the course of their future in Manitoba, and yours!  

Geri Clinke

Geri Clinke

Through a calling of proximity and passion, Geri has been an integral, innovative and steadfast pillar in the Career and Workforce Development ecosystem for more than 15 years. She is a proud Manitoban who has dedicated the better part of her journey supporting youth, newcomers and career changers in curating their own wire frame for success. Developing and adapting programing to meet the needs of stakeholders across the province, in both urban and remote communities, is her passion.

Marie Hacault

Marie Hacault

Marie has worked in Youth Programming for over a decade and currently focuses her attention on supporting Manitoba’s tech-talent pipeline with aspiring new talent. By integrating the next generation of tech workers with today’s Manitoba tech companies via innovative mentorship programs and multiple industry touchpoints, she assists the sector in their workforce development goals. 

Rick Reid

Rick Reid

Rick has over 20 years of supply chain management experience working in both the private and public sectors. Rick has been the ED since 2017 and specializes in helping organizations optimize their supply chains by developing strategies to maximize efficiency, reliability, and profitability. He has contributed to the success through helping to eliminate waste, mitigate risk and reduce costs.

Striking the Right Balance:  Your Authentic Voice vs AI

Facilitated by: Charlotte Anyango Ong'ang'a

Career Development Specialist, University of Calgary

In today's digital age, job seekers face the challenge of finding the perfect balance between their authentic voice and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools when crafting resumes and cover letters. While AI has revolutionized the recruitment process, it is crucial for individuals to maintain their unique tone and personality throughout their application materials. This presentation aims to explore the importance of striking the right balance between your authentic voice and the AI tone in resumes and cover letters. 
Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understanding the role of AI in resume and cover letter writing
  2. Recognizing the importance of your authentic voice in job applications
  3. Strategies for maintaining your unique tone and personality in resumes and cover letters
Charlotte Anyango Ong'ang'a

Charlotte Anyango Ong'ang'a

Charlotte Anyango Ong’ang’a is a distinguished Author and Career Development Specialist with a deep passion for empowering individuals. Holding a Ph.D. in Linguistics and possessing over 15 years of experience at higher education institutions in Canada and abroad,  Charlotte's extensive knowledge and experience enable her to provide invaluable guidance and support to graduate students at the University of Calgary.

Breaking Barriers to Employment:  Inclusion is Reconciliation

Facilitated by:  Brandy Bobier

CEO and Founder, Community Helpers Unite (CHU)

Today's post-pandemic workplaces are faced with a challenge that no one expected. Getting people back to work. The pandemic had severe financial impacts on individuals and families living close to or below the poverty line, many of which created additional barriers to employment. I will be sharing my experience of adapting to the pandemic, and shifting my focus from for profit business into non-profit, social enterprise that creates inclusive opportunities while operating 100% sustained financially without government or grant funding. As a group we will explore reasons why the majority of employers do not readily give opportunities to individuals with barriers to employment, and create a list of realistic, actionable items that people can take away to implement inclusivity regarding those with barriers to employment. All participants will be provided with resources they can utilize in the workplace, educational environment, and within social service or government organizations.

Brandy Bobier

Brandy Bobier

I grew up in the North End of Winnipeg, found success in catering and project management, and turned my passion for feeding people into a non-profit, social enterprise model.

Breakout Session #2 - choose from the following 3 options:

Innovative Career and Workforce Development in the Manitoba Tech Sector

Facilitated by:  Marie Hacault

Workforce Development & Youth-Industry Engagement Program Manager, ​Tech Manitoba

Jessica Watson

Work Practicum Coordinator, Industry Mentorship, Career & Communications Instructor - ICT Programs | MITT

Jane Bachart 

Vice Principal, Pembina Trails Collegiate

There will be a 45 minute panel presentation followed by a 10 minute Q & A.

Panel presentation will cover:

  • the role that Tech Manitoba plays in the local technology career & workforce development ecosystem.
  • reference from Tech Manitoba HR members on “innovative workplace trends and online working tools” along with short explanation of “AI tools currently being used to support job search and hiring”.
  • how we as a non-profit have maximized partnerships through various workforce and career development initiatives (early to advanced stages)
  • explanation from partners MITT and PTEC representatives on how this innovative technology focused education model not only is dual credit but allows for multiple touchpoints with industry throughout grades 9-12 and blended post-secondary years at MITT.  With this rapidly and ever-changing sector, robust Industry engagement allows students (and educators) to be engaged and current with real time trends and industry standards. 
Marie Hacault

Marie Hacault

Marie has worked in Youth Programming for over a decade and currently focuses her attention on supporting Manitoba’s tech-talent pipeline with aspiring new talent. By integrating the next generation of tech workers with today’s Manitoba tech companies via innovative mentorship programs and multiple industry touchpoints, she assists the sector in their workforce development goals.

Jessica Watson

Jessica Watson

Jessica works with post-secondary and PTEC students at MITT to enhance in-demand soft skills required for successful careers in technology. She works closely with Tech Manitoba on industry engagement and career mentorship opportunities for PTEC students and facilitates work integrated learning placements for PTEC students in industry. 

Jane Bachart

Jane Bachart

Jane Bachart started her career as an entrepreneur. Her interest and innovation landed her a job as a consultant in Pembina Trails School Division where she was overseeing all Technology education programming for 35 schools. She was then an instrumental partner and part in opening PTEC, Pembina Trails Early College. PTEC moved recently moved into Pembina Trails Collegiate, the first high school built in 50 years, and Jane is now overseeing the program and Vice Principal of the school.

Build Support Capacity and Remotely Support Workers

Facilitated by Aron Jenkins

Project Manager
Canadian Association for Supportive Employment

Our project will show how supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities is a game changer for supported employment. We will demonstrate how an app can structure a person's day, prompt them for tasks, and help keep them moving towards their goals. 

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Ability to support more individuals
  2. Employers can see when tasks are completed
  3. Individual has more independence and self directed life
Aaron Jenkins

Aaron Jenkins

Project Manager

I have worked with Inclusion Winnipeg since February of 2020 on a project that remotely supports individuals with intellectual disabilities in the workplace.

Innovation and Tech in Manitoba - Opportunities Abound

Facilitated by: Sheila Harris

​Consultant, Capstone Ridge Group

Sandra Foster

Managing Partner of Capstone Ridge Group

The technology scene in Manitoba is thriving and driving innovation in both public and private sectors. How are you participating and how does this industry impact you? How is your organization and government embracing opportunities to leverage innovation and tech? In this session we will explore the abundant Manitoba tech scene and learn about the importance and the impact of this ecosystem. We will also discuss the importance of tech education and discover the numerous opportunities for engagement for all segments of our population.

Sheila Harris

Sheila Harris

Sheila Harris is an experienced IT Consultant, certified in Business Process Reengineering, Business Architecture, Project Management, and Change Management, with over 25 years of experience in business transformation, working in numerous industries over the span of her career.

Sandra Foster

Sandra Foster

Sandy is an entrepreneur and Certified Management Consultant with technology industry senior leadership and cross-industry consulting experience. She is a Managing Partner of Capstone Ridge Group. Sandy is also an angel investor providing financial and advisory support to tech startups.  Sandy contributes to the community with over 25 years of experience as a board and community group member.

Breakout Session #3 - choose from the following 3 options:

Careers Work is Social Impact Work:  How to Engage with Employers

Facilitated by:  Lisa Taylor

President, Challenge Factory

Emma James

Associate, Challenge Factory​

Today’s employers are more focused on talent than ever before. The current economic environment, with lingering impacts of the pandemic and future concerns related to demographic change and skill gaps, has made workforce concerns the top priority for every leader in the country. 

Career development typically focuses on the job seeker as the primary client. However, there is increasing awareness that there can be no lasting solutions to some of today’s most challenging employment conundrums unless employers are also supported. Given all that is changing, there is a remarkable window of opportunity for career development approaches to help job seekers and employers alike chart a path to a better future. Join this interactive workshop where we will play with tools from within and outside the field to foster better relationships with employers.
Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the career development thinking that employers need right now
  2. Explore how to work with employers towards shared goals using the SDGs
  3. Challenge yourself to shift your own work for broader impact
Lisa Taylor

Lisa Taylor

Lisa is an author, entrepreneur, consultant, volunteer, and community leader focused on making sense of the changing world of work. She is the President and Founder of Challenge Factory and lives in Toronto.

Emma James

Emma James

While earning her Master of Public Administration, Emma discovered her passion for the complex relationships between innovation policy, workforce planning, and career development. She is an associate at Challenge Factory.

Recognizing the Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Facilitated by:  Joelle Foster

Co-Founder, CEO & President, North Forge Technology Exchange
​Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Women's Equity Lab (WEL) MB

Rosalie Harms

Faculty member, Business & Administration, University of Winnipeg
Management Consultant, Harms & Associate

Recognizing the Entrepreneurial Spirit" is a concise exploration of identifying and celebrating the entrepreneurial mindset among students. This presentation will highlight the significance of nurturing innovation, creativity, and problem-solving abilities within the classroom. It emphasizes the role of educators in fostering these qualities and will offer practical insights on how to recognize and encourage entrepreneurial thinking among students, ultimately preparing them for future success in an ever-evolving world.

Joelle Foster has spent over two decades working with entrepreneurs across Canada.  She is co-founder, the President and CEO of North Forge Technology Exchange. Joelle is also the co-founder and a managing partner for the Women's Equity Lab (WEL) MB; a fund to increase the number of women angel investors in Manitoba.

Joelle Foster

Joelle Foster has spent over two decades working with entrepreneurs across Canada.  She is co-founder, the President and CEO of North Forge Technology Exchange. Joelle is also the co-founder and a managing partner for the Women's Equity Lab (WEL) MB; a fund to increase the number of women angel investors in Manitoba. 

Rosalie Harms

Rosalie Harms

Rosalie Harms, CPA, CMA, MBA, CMC, is a faculty member and former department chair for Business and Administration at the University of Winnipeg. Rosalie teaches entrepreneurship at the high school and university level. Rosalie is also an entrepreneur herself; she is the management consultant of Harms & Associates. 

ChatGPT: Empowering Career Development through AI Solutions

Facilitated by: Charlotte Vis van Heemst

Career Consultant, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba

Farwa Zaidi

Instructor, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, career development professionals face challenges in helping individuals navigate their career paths effectively. This presentation showcases the transformative power of ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model, in revolutionizing career development practices. We will explore how ChatGPT can provide innovative and visionary solutions to address these challenges.

Through interactive activities and demonstrations, we will highlight the practical applications of ChatGPT in career counseling, resume optimization, interview preparation, and skill development. We will discuss the benefits of utilizing AI-powered chatbots to provide personalized and accessible guidance to individuals at different stages of their careers.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Understand the potential of ChatGPT in enhancing career development practices.
  2. Learn practical strategies for leveraging ChatGPT to provide personalized career guidance.
  3. Gain insights into the ethical considerations and limitations of AI in career counseling.

 Our presentation will inspire career development professionals to embrace AI technologies and explore innovative solutions that can propel their clients towards success in the ever-changing world of work.

Charlotte Vis

Charlotte Vis

Charlotte is a purpose driven career development & communications professional with 10 years of experience working in various key industries in Europe and North America. She currently works at the Asper School of Business as a Career Consultant, where she continues to do work rooted in supporting and assisting business students on their career journeys. Charlotte also serves as an active member on The Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE) West advisory board.

Farwa Zaidi

Farwa Zaidi

Farwa is a certified career consultant, and university instructor at Asper School of Business, who passionately empowers ambitious individuals to shape impactful careers. With her expertise and drive, she guides business graduates in defining goals and finding fulfilling paths, leveraging technological advancements in career development to connect professionals with the right opportunities.