Enduring the Unendurable: Providing Career Support to Those with Chronic Illness

Date: March 21, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Facilitated by:  Trevor Lehmann
Cost:  MACD Members - Free | Non-Members - $25

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will learn about the effects of Chronic Illness on career and quality of life.
  • Psychological aspects including grief and loss, depression and more will be explored along with intervention strategies.
  • Participants will engage in an experiential exercise to explore the impacts of illness on various aspects of life.
Headshot for Trevor Lehmann

Trevor Lehmann

President, Climate-Informed Counsellors Chapter, CCPA

Trevor Lehmann holds an M.Ed. in Counselling Psychology and serves as a Career Consultant at the University of Manitoba as well as President of the Climate-Informed Counsellors Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). With a deep interest in career development, grief and loss, organized labour, and climate psychology, Trevor has made significant contributions in these areas. His writings can be found at https://trevorlehmann.ca.



2025 Completed Workshops

We leave these descriptions on the web for everyone to review. If there is enough interest, we would consider offering a session again. If there is a topic you are interested in, and don't see here, please reach out to let us know through email. In addition, if you want to deliver a training session, please reach out. 

Send an email to: admin@macd-mb.org with the subject line:  Possible future PD topic.

2023 - 2024 Completed Workshops

2022 - 2023 Training Sessions

These training sessions were made available due to funding provided by:
​The Government of Canada & The Manitoba Government
Thank you to all who presented and attended.