As CERIC kicks off 20 years of advancing career development in Canada, we are pleased to release three new publications and two reports that will serve as essential resources for career development professionals. These resources have emerged from CERIC-funded projects exploring the scope of Canada’s career development sector, career theories, elementary career-related learning, the future of work and refugee workforce integration.

Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent: Mapping Canada’s Career Development Sector
For the first time ever, this report produced by Challenge Factory reveals the full scope of the people and systems providing career services and supports to Canadians. This groundbreaking study, supported by CERIC and the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF), provides the evidence base needed to unlock the potential of Canadian career service professionals. Available for free download.
Practice Principles: Career Theories and Models at Work
This new book from authors Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr. Roberta Borgen and Dr. Mary McMahon is an essential companion to CERIC’s popular Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. Practice Principles serves as a “go-to” guide for career professionals, providing theory-informed, foundational principles for effective career interventions. Available for purchase in print.
Exploring Possibilities! Journeying Through Career-Related Learning in Grades 4–6: A Teaching Toolkit
Exploring Possibilities! Journeying Through Career-Related Learning in Grades 4–6: A Teaching Toolkit helps to shine a light on the value and many ways of undertaking career-related learning in elementary schools. Underpinned by research and data collected from educators, parents, students and industry partners, Exploring Possibilities! will help educators understand how their teaching practices develop foundational career-related skills. Available for free download or for purchase as an e-book or in print.
Career Development 2040: Preparing for Possible Scenarios of Work and Careers
The latest report from the Career Development in 2040 research project identifies how the career development sector, advocacy organizations and policymakers need to prepare for 2040 and beyond. The report aims to motivate action that ensures workers across Canada have the support they need to prepare and adjust to the futures of work. The first report, published in October 2023, explores 10 major changes with the potential to impact career development in 2040. Available for free download.
Supporting the Integration of Refugees with Low Levels of Education: A Cross-cultural Perspective on Counselling
This research-driven publication recommends strategies for career and guidance counsellors to help refugees – especially those with low levels of education – integrate into society and the working world, with an emphasis on respect for cultural differences and collaboration with employers and public institutions. It is currently available in French and an English version will be available this spring. Available for free download or for purchase as an e-book or in print.